Monday, January 05, 2015

Apple Watch Will Deliver ‘Hyper-Local’ Ads On Your Wrist

BusinessInsider, here

Building the Entrepreneurial State: A New Framework for Envisioning and Evaluating a Mission-oriented Public Sector

M. Mazzucato, here

The Enormous Implications Of Facebook Indexing 1 Trillion Of Our Posts

TechCrunch, here

Injunctive Relief in Disputes Related to Standard-Essential Patents: Time for the CJEU to Set Fair and Reasonable Presumptions

P. Larouche, N. Zingales, here

Abuso del diritto al brevetto e abuso di posizione dominante: il caso Pfizer

G. Ghidini, G. Cavani, P. F. Piserà, qui

Big Data, Machine Learning, and the Social Sciences: Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, here

Les prix personnalisés, un défi pour l'autorité de la concurrence

LesEchos, ici

Friday, December 19, 2014

Study on the making available right and its relationship with the reproduction right in cross-border digital transmissions

Prepared by De Wolf & Partners for the European Commission, here

U.S. judge concerned Android antitrust lawsuit too vague

Reuters, here

The Future of Privacy: Digital Life in 2025

Pew Research Center, here

Prêt numérique en bibliothèque: à peine acté, déjà critiqué, ici

After Intel: Effects-Based Approach, Price-Cost Test, and Administrability

M. Motta, Presentation, here

How much traffic did Facebook deliver to Bing? Very little

Insidefacebook, here

Apple 'failing to protect Chinese factory workers', here.

Apple's reaction here (from The Verge)

IP and Standard Setting

OECD Competition Committee, Note by Germany, here

Opinion 2/13 on EU Accession to the ECHR: The CJEU as Humpty Dumpty, here

Google aiming to go straight into car with next Android

Reuters, here.

Monopolkommission: Die Zähmung der Internet-Giganten, hier.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Microsoft stops offering alternative browsers to Windows users in Europe

PCWorld, here

ETH-Bibliothek document delivery service is admissible, here.

Federal Court's press release ici; Judgment 4A_295/2014 hier

Governments Should Make Markets, Not Just Fix Them

M. Mazzucato, here

Canada court to order Apple to turn over records in iPhone probe, here

EU court ruling could make it easier to get patents for cell therapies, here

How to crack the algorithm

Tnooz, here

WIPO: Study On Copyright Exceptions Stimulates Broad Discussion With Author

IP-Watch, here

Deux ententes entre fabricants de produits d'hygiène et d'entretien sanctionnées

Autorité de la concurrence, magnifique Communiqué de presse ici, Décision ici

IP, Standard Setting, and Injunctions

M. Dolmans, OECD Competition Committee, here

Intellectual Property and Standard Setting

OECD Competition Committee, Note by the United States, here

Global internet authority ICANN has been hacked

TheVerge, here

Independent Library Report for England

Presented to Government by William Sieghart and an expert panel, here

Google looks to head off U.S. antitrust lawsuit over Android, here.

An organism which is incapable of developing into a human being does not constitute a human embryo within the meaning of the Biotech Directive

CJEU Case C-364/13,  here.

The art – and science – of scaling in the two-sided marketplace

TheNextWeb, here

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Open Content – A practical guide to using Creative Commons Licences

T. Kreutzer for UNESCO, here

Jury finds Apple not guilty of harming consumers in iTunes DRM case

TheVerge, here

The economics of open and closed systems

Autorité de la concurrence and CMA, here (French version here).

The sharing economy: Will self-regulation by startups suffice to protect consumers?

TechRepublic, here.

Scrutinizing Patent Assertion Entities: What Competition Enforcers are Doing

AAI and CCIA, Video here.

Parity clauses from hotel distribution contracts to be banned once for all, here.

CBP onderzoekt nieuwe privacyvoorwaarden Facebook, hier

Boycott Called Against Spanish Newspaper Publishers' Association Titles In Protest Of New Copyright Law

TechDirt, here

Uber responds to Sen. Al Franken: ‘We care deeply’ about privacy

VentureBeat, here

E-Book Legal Restrictions Are Screwing Over Blind People

Wired, here

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday's e-book antitrust appeal hearing went well for Apple, here

Mobilitics, saison 2 : Les smartphones et leurs apps sous le microscope de la CNIL et d'Inria

CNIL, ici

Datenschutz: Justizministerium drängt auf klaren Rechtsrahmen für Scoring, hier

CBP issues sanction to Google for infringements privacy policy, here

ACCC authorises resale price maintenance for the first time

Clifford Chance, here

UberPop sera interdit dès le 1er janvier

LeMonde, ici.

Warum all die Pakete?, hier

Commission announces the launch of market tests in investigations in the online hotel booking sector by the French, Swedish and Italian competition authorities

EC, here.

Italian Competition Authority, here.
Swedish Competition Authority, here.
French Competition Authority, here.

Text of the proposed commitments (in French), here

Che cosa indica e come si traduce la parola inglese whistleblower?

Accademia della Crusca, qui.

Facebook dumps Microsoft Web search results, here

Glitch Causes Items To Be Sold On Amazon For 1p, here

The economics of P2P lending, here

The Rise of a New Smartphone Giant: China's Xiaomi, here

Friday, December 12, 2014

Kenneth Crews Presenting the Update of His Report to WIPO SCCR

Archived Webcast here (Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Ninth Session - December 8 to December 12, 2014, Wed 10, Afternoon, from 4:47). 

The Independence of National Competition Authorities

A. Italiener, here

Obama's DOJ is bringing its big guns to the Apple e-book appeal, here

Efficiencies and Antitrust Reconsidered: An Evolutionary Perspective

T. Horton, here

Consolidation of Proposed Texts Contained In Document SCCR/26/3

Prepared by African Group, Brazil, Ecuador, India and Uruguay, here

COMESA's merger assessment guidelines: What you need to know, here.

Urheberrecht: Razzia bei Betreibern und Nutzern zweier E-Book-Plattformen, hier

Canada competition watchdog probing Apple over iPhone contracts

PcWorld, here.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Google Forced Amazon To Remove Its Main Shopping App From The Play Store Because Of Its Appstore Integration

Android Police, here.

Dear Günther, we need to talk about ancillary copyright

Some European Publishers, Letter here.

EU Quizzes Google Rivals on Search and Ads, here

Google's Schmidt: You have nothing to fear from AI, here

Barclays and Deutsche Bank to be investigated over forex algorithm, here

The Internet of Things

OECD Technology Foresight Forum 2014, here

Shaping Up to the Future, here

The Data Protection Directive applies to a video recording made with a surveillance camera installed by a person on his family home and directed towards the public footpath

Case C-212/13, František Ryneš v Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů, here

Google News Shuttered in Spain Thanks to “Ancillary Copyright” Law, here.

See also  here (ElMundo) and here (FAZ). 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dancing around data

M. Stucke and A. Grunes, here

Google Cultural Institute opens up as a platform for museums to build their own mobile apps

VentureBeat, here

Canada: Tories target cross-border price gap with Competition Bureau bill, here

Giants of digital: separating the signal from the noise and the sound from the fury

A. Chisholm, here

Nokia's map app for Android is no longer a Samsung exclusive, here. More background info here.

Android Wear gets Lollipop update, adds watch face API, new features, here

Open Letter to App Marketplaces from 23 Privacy Authorities, here

The Object of Effects

A. Italiener, here.

The General Court confirms that the French Ordre national des pharmaciens restricted competition on the clinical biology analysis market

Case T-90/11, here.

La CNMC y la economía colaborativa

CNMCblog, aquí

Intel and Article 102 TFEU Case Law: Making Sense of a Perpetual Controversy

P. Ibáñez Colomo, here.

Android's winning mobile strategy: Sell to the poor

TechRepublic, here.

How much of your news site’s search traffic comes from Google News? Probably 5 to 25 percent

Nieman.lab, here.

Foreign Antitrust Defendants Feel Some Relief from the Reach of the Sherman Act in Civil Matters, here.