Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Flickr Plans To Sell Creative Commons Photos And That's Okay...

TechDirt, here

Technology is Culture

Ccianet.org, here

Why Eric Schmidt doesn’t know how Google works

Venturebeat.com, here

No abuse of a dominant position by AstraZeneca

ACM.nl, here

EU Asks Russia's Yandex for Evidence in Potential Google Antitrust Case

Sputniknews.com, here.

GigaOm's original news here.

Google's search deal with Apple expires in early 2015, could bring new default to Safari

AppleInsider, here.

3G standard essential patent valid and infringed: irrelevant whether Vringo is a troll

IPKat, here.

Nature makes all articles free to view

Nature, here

Mark Lemley and Intel’s Doug Melamed discuss patent law issues

Stanford Lawyer, here

Monday, December 01, 2014

Who pays for us to browse the web? Be wary of Google’s latest answer

E. Morozov, here

ACM’s strategy regarding enforcement of vertical restraints

C. Fonteijn, here.

Star Witness in Apple Lawsuit Is Steve Jobs

NYTimes, here.

Original Complaint (2005) here. Original Motion to Dismiss here

Priceline maintains focus on reducing friction for local experiences, no plans to become the next Oracle

Tnooz.com, here.

The Tempting Of Antitrust: Robert Bork and the Goals of Antitrust Policy

D. Crane, here

Out of control? Robert Bork’s portrayal of the U.S. Antitrust system in the 1970s

W. Kovacic, here

Robert Bork’s Forgotten Role in the Transaction Cost Revolution

A. Meese, here

Bork and Microsoft: Why Bork Was Right and What We Learn About Judging Exclusionary Behavior

H. First, here

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Taylor Swift leaving Spotify was great news for YouTube

TheVerge, here.

Copyrightability of Java APIs revisited

P. Samuelson, here.

Copie Privée : le vrai préjudice... des consommateurs français !

UFC-QueChoisir, ici.

The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths

M. Mazzucato, Transcript of the presentation given to OECD Staff, here (p. 3 ff.).

Is the Head of Germany’s Bundeskartellamt Right to Suggest Criminal Law Sanctions are Too Severe for Cartels?

A. Stephan, here

Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin : « Ceux qui pensent être propriétaires de nos données se trompent »

LesEchos.fr, ici.

Wah-the-ley on Wah-way: a matter of Opinion

IPKat, here

83% of Global Internet Users Believe Affordable Access to the Internet Should be a Basic Human Right

Ipsos, on behalf of the Centre for International Governance Innovation (“CIGI”), here

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Nobel Laureate, Darth Vader© and Access to Health: Balancing IP and Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Giovanni Napolitano
World Intellectual Property Organization 

4th December, 2014, 2 p.m.

DEM - Conference Room
Trento University 

How the UN is using open data to tackle Ebola

Futuregov.asia, here

Virgin Media sets the cat among the pigeons – Ofcom examines Premier League football

Brian Cave, here.

Google settles Internet trolling court case

TheGuardian.com, here

Suède : Les éditeurs lèvent les restrictions sur le prêt numérique

ActuaLitte.com, ici.

Structural Remedies in the Google Case?

I-Comp, here.

Why Textbooks Count: A Policy Paper

T. Oates, here

Brief of Amici Curiae Antitrust Law Professors in O'Bannon v. NCAA

Google launches 'Contributor' payment service

Independent.co.uk, here

Update on Trademark-Related Aspects of the Domain Name System

WIPO Secretariat, here

Europeans Have Authority To Seek Google Break Up Though Unlikely To Do So

SearchEngineLand, here

RBS apologises for 'incorrect' evidence to MPs' committee

BBC.com, here

Where Creativity Thrives: BitTorrent 2014 User Study

Blog.bittorrent.com, here.