Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Innovation and Antitrust

J. Pecman, here.

CMA decides not to progress interchange fee investigations at the present time

CMA, here

Google's 'Right to be forgotten' roadshow is just a 'distraction' – EU digital rights group

TheRegister, here

Mobile is eating the world

B. Evans, Presentation here

MasterCard teste le rythme cardiaque pour identifier les acheteurs

Numerama, ici

Leniency (Amnesty) Plus: A Building Block or a Trojan Horse?

M. Martyniszyn, here

Bestwater: CJEU embeds decision on framed content in order

B. Schuetze, here

In praise of the economics of regulation

Oxera, here

Cyberlaw Clinic files Petition on Behalf of Medical Device Researchers at the Copyright Office

Cyberlawclinic.berkman.harvard.edu, here

Stay Tuned: Whether Cloud-Based Service Providers Can Have Their Copyrighted Cake and Eat It Too

A. Asaro, here

Tobacco firms win legal right to challenge EU rules

Bbc.com, here

Marrakesh Treaty Options for Implementation Discussion Paper

Australian Government, here

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Research in the digital age

R. Dijkgraaf, here

El Congreso aprueba la 'tasa Google': los buscadores tendrán que pagar a los editores

Ecoteuve.es, aquì

The Remunerated Statutory Limitation for News Aggregation and Search Engines Proposed by the Spanish Government - Its Compliance with International and EU Law

R. Xalabarder, here

OFT issues decision in mobility scooters sector

CMA's website (?), here.

Original OFT's press release, here

Competition Bureau sets out preliminary views on patent agreement settlement enforcement

Thecompetitor.ca, here.

If at first you don’t succeed – Booking.com and Expedia investigation re-opens

EU-Competitionlaw.com, here.

Dutch copyright law succumbs to aging as exhaustion extends to e-books

M. Olvedo Cuevas, here.

Der Streit ums E-Book und seine Erschöpfung

BuchReport.de, hier.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mission sur l’exploration de données

J. Martin, ici.

Millions of 'orphan' artworks and historic documents to be seen under new copyright laws

Independent.co.uk, here

FCC moves to treat online video like cable, a boon for Aereo

ArsTechnica, here

YouTube Considering An Ad-Free, Subscription-Based Version

TechCrunch, here

Enjoining Injunctions: The Case Against Antitrust Liability for Standard Essential Patent Holders Who Seek Injunctions

D. Ginsburg, T. Owings, and J. Wright, here

US regulator drops BP, Statoil oil price-fixing probe

Reuters.com, here

Die Wut der Chinesen auf VW

FAZ.net, hier.

When is a Flavor/Taste Trademark Possible?

Jdsupra.com, here

Text mining : vers un nouvel accord avec Elsevier

Scoms.hypotheses.org, ici.. 

Cheaper oil: Winners and losers

TheEconomist, here

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Importance of Economic Analysis When Assessing Vertical Agreements

J. Davies, Presentation here

Competition Enforcement in the Internet-Based Trade – Current Practice of the BKartA

G. Kallfass, presentation here

El ejemplo de otros países muestra que la tasa Google será un fracaso

Adslzone.net, aquì.

Texto de la LPI aprobado por el Senado aquí

EuGH C 348/13 BestWater - "Framing": Framende Links keine Urheberrechtsverletzung

B. Knies, Video hier.

Beschluss hier.
Vorabentscheidungsersuchen hier

Digitisation and Democracy: The challenges of shaping the Digital Society

J. Hofmann, here

Amazon is doing the world a favor by crushing book publishers

Vox.com, here.

On the link between "dynamic pricing" and competition by innovation


Google's New Search Downranking Hits Torrent Sites Hard

TorrentFreak.com, here

¿Hay que desmantelar Amazon o Google?

J. Alfaro, aquì.

Antitrust Litigation- The Way Ahead

J. Almunia, here.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The War Against Airbnb

R. Epstein, here.

Opinion: The criterion “new public” as developed in the Svensson case

ALAI, here.

Etude des perceptions et usages du livre numérique

Hadopi/IFOP, ici

Eight years on from the OFT's CUPI study: Lessons learned and remaining hurdles

dot.econ, here

Intellectual property enforcement

L. Neville-Rolfe, here

Retail Energy Competition and Consumer Empowerment

CERRE, Discussion Paper, here

Alliances entre distributeurs: le gouvernement saisit l'Autorité de la concurrence

Boursorama, ici

Georgia State Academic Fair Use Decision Vacated by 11th Circuit: A (Relatively) Quick Read for the Busy Practitioner

Trademarkandcopyrightlawblog.com, here

Comcast - Time Warner Cable, MB Docket No. 14-57

Professors' Letter to the FCC, here

The Sky is Rising - 2014 Edition

Two Europes or One Europe?

N. Kroes, here

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Verlage knicken beim Leistungsschutzrecht ein

Golem.de, hier.

From the antitrust mailbag: manufacturer-imposed requirements

FTC, here.

Q1: Are the wondering retailers generally satisfied with this type of explanation?
Q2: Does it apply to platforms as well?

The Fondue Conspiracy

Sepp Barmettler, the Cheese Rebel
NPR: Planet Money, Podcast here.

More about the Cheese Union (Käseunion) in A. Thier, Schweizerische Kartellrechtstradition und „more economic approach,“  621, at 640 ff., here.

Update: I tasted the Sbrinz cheese for the first time after listening to the NPR Podcast. Delicious indeed, and already a competition policy scholar's favourite.

BGH decision "Yellow dictionary" colour trade mark dispute

IPKat, here.

Big Data and the Future for Privacy

N. Richards, J. King, here

Oeuvres transformatives : faut-il faire de YouTube le « Seigneur des Mashups » ?

Scinfolex.com, ici

The Technology Transfer Block Exemption

Out-law.com, here

Case C-470/14, EGEDA – will a state-financed ‘private copy’ scheme deliver fair compensation?

Eulawradar, here

Inter Partes Review: An Early Look at the Numbers

B. Love, S. Ambwani, here

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Agency 2.0: Competition Authorities Will Need to Think - Again

Agreements between Amazon and publishers are starting rolling out, see here and here. It is not very hard to predict that these agreements will come to be scrutinized quite closely by competition authorities on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond. While, it seems, conspiracy theories this time round could be safely ruled out, it would be high time to develop comprehensive assessment criteria with regard to vertical restraints triggered by, or in the context of, electronic platforms.  

Google Penguin 3.0: Worldwide Rollout Still In Process, Impacting 1% Of English Queries

SearchEngineLand, here.

Honeywell Gets EU Complaint With DuPont Over Car Coolant

Bloomberg.com, here.

E-Book-Preise: Amazon einigt sich mit Bonnier

Heise.de, hier

Big, bad Amazon

TheEconomist, here

"Why are you searching here for your lost keys? Because there is light here": Reflections on Competition Policy in Europe

J. Fingleton, Video here. Speech notes here

European Commission settles cartel on bid-ask spreads charged on Swiss Franc interest rate derivatives; fines four major banks € 32.3 million

Press Release, here