Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Competition Enforcement: A Practical Perspective

A. Mundt, Video here.

"The ECN is a unique success, and a model for other areas of law."

The role of competition authorities in fostering growth and consumer welfare

P. Roth, Presentation here; Video here

Banks: Too Big to Manage Ethically?

Dealbook.nytimes.com, here.

Amazon: it’s not the power, it’s the lost focus

J. Gans, here

European Commission proposes ratification of Marrakesh Treaty to facilitate access to books for visually impaired persons

Press Release, here

Uber Economics: There is no such thing as bad publicity

Bruegel.org, here

82 Things Publishers Do (2014 Edition)

The scholarly kitchen, here

Brussels Antitrust Seminar Demonstrates Shifting European Landscape For Competition Enforcement In Wake Of ECJ MasterCard Judgment

Antitrusttoday.com, here

Public libraries: the right to digitise and the right of reproduction

S. Yakovleva, here.

Amazon closes a contract with one major book publisher (not that one, though)

Mhpbooks.com, here.  For more speculations see here and here.

More on Android

Chillingcompetition.com, here

European Pharmaceutical Antitrust after Groupment des Cartes Bancaires – Time to Rethink the Approach to Pay For Delay Settlements?

S. Gallasch, here

Antitrust Analysis of Reverse Payment Settlements After Actavis: Three Questions and Proposed Answers

J. Wright, here

In Georgia State University E-Reserves Case, Eleventh Circuit Endorses Flexible Approach to Fair Use

ARL Policy Notes, here.

Why The Justice Department Won't Go After Amazon Even Though Paul Krugman Thinks It's Hurting America

BusinessInsider, here.

Simon & Schuster Strikes Amazon Deal Reviving Agency Ebook Pricing

DigitalBookWorld, here.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Uber wrangling regulations (and setting some hope on the FTC)

Interview with Brian Worth,  Uber Public Policy Lead, Harvard Kennedy School Policycast, here.

Report says illegal Airbnb apartments made up over a third of the company's NYC revenue

TheVerge, here.

Report from the NY State Attorney General's office here.

New WikiLeaks of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Intellectual Property Chapter — Analysis of Copyright Provision

Policynotes.arl.org, here

Google defends flight search – it’s hard to do it well and industry doesn’t appreciate us

Tnooz.com, here

Resolution on enforcement cooperation among data protection authorities

Jean Tirole's (provisional) legacy

Bruegel.org, here

Are Google’s search results deceptive, or can consumers identify ads on their own?

Gigaom, here.

Business Benefit from Public Data

Blog.opengroup.org, here

Cartel members may argue that damage caused by cartel was passed on to customers

De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, here

YouTube has paid $1 billion to rights holders via Content ID since 2007

ArsTechnica, here.

Q. and A. With Jean Tirole, Economics Nobel Winner

NYTimes, here

Whois-Daten werden schleichend zentralisiert

Heise.de, hier.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Right to Be Forgotten: Google Sentenced to Pay Damages in Spain

M. Peguera, here.

Patents and Standards - A modern framework for IPR-based standardization

ECSIP Consortium for the European Commission, here.

J. Tirole cited once, at p. 30.

Google’s Schmidt Heads to Berlin Talks to Soothe Rattled Germans

Bloomberg.com, here.

The EU Commission’s “contempt” of national courts? - C-170/13 Huawei Technologies

Verfassungsblog.de, here.

Linux Foundation Does Open Source Drones

G. Moody, here.

Trends and milestones in competition policy since 2010

J. Almunia, here.

Challenges of international co-operation in competition law enforcement

OECD, Report here; Statistical Highlights here

Adobe’s Latest E-Book Misstep: This Time, It’s Not the DRM

Copyrightandtechnology.com, here

Monday, October 13, 2014

Wie Nobelpreisträger Jean Tirole auch Deutschland prägte

WSJ, hier.

Google's Chairman Says Amazon — Not Bing — Is Its Biggest Search Competitor

BusinessInsider.com, here. See also E. Schmidt, The New Gründergeist, here

Is There a Vatican School for Competition Policy?

T. T'óth, here.

EU Commission congratulates Economics Nobel winner

Press Release, here.

Mr Tirole's research has direct relevance to current policy issues.

TheEconomist, here.

Bozza di Dichiarazione dei Diritti in Internet

Camera dei deputati, Commissione per i diritti e doveri in Internet, qui.

Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation

Scientific Background on the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2014,  here.

Popular science background here.

Tirole's 2013 lecture on two-sided markets, part 1 here, and part 2 here.

In essence, a nobel prize to the "more economic approach"...

Google rivals get help with antitrust campaign -- from Google

CNEt, here.

Looking ahead: preparing for the digital economy – view from the new competition regulator

A. Chrisholm, here.

La machine Booking face à la gronde des hôteliers

Lesechos.fr, ici.