Tuesday, September 24, 2013

House Judiciary Chairman Goodlatte releases new discussion draft legislation to address patent litigation abuse

IPO.org, here

Don’t wait for Congress, says judge in Google Books case

PaidContent.org, here.
Transcript of the hearing here

Zweitverwertungsrecht: Mehr Open Access oder bloßer Placebo?

E. Steinhauer, hier

Does copyright law work? New and ongoing empirical research suggests: not always

Columbia Journalism Review, here

La gestion collective a commencé pour les oeuvres du registre ReLIRE

Actualitte.com, ici

Android and the Tesco Effect

G. Moody, here

Will Netflix help fight online piracy in the Netherlands?

Futureofcopyright.com, here

Erixon: TTIP will move to fast track if first results come early

Euractiv.com, here

Judge appears to back Google's defense of digital books project

Cnet.com, here

Friday, September 20, 2013

Google/Waze: Initial Undertakings Given by Google to the OFT


Google Maps versus OpenStreetMap: charting new territory on the Web?

Inaglobal.fr, ici

Wie sich der Bundesrat aus der Schlinge einer Ablehnung des Zweitverwertungsrechts zieht

R. Kuhlen, hier

Exception "handicap" au droit d'auteur et développement de l'offre de publications accessibles à l'ère numérique

Ministère de la Culture, Inspection générale des affaires culturelles, ici, ici

Spotify veut se démarquer avec des contenus exclusifs

Numerama.com, ici. 

Open Data: Not Just Good. Better

Opencorporates, Presentation, here

Solving the Orphan Works Problem for the United States

D. Hansen, K. Hashimoto, G. Hinze, P. Samuelson, J. Urban, here

AG Sharpston on technological protection measures

The1709Blog.blogspot.com, here

Spar-Chef erhebt Spionagevorwürfe gegen die Wettbewerbsbehörde

Salzburg.com, hier

VG Wort will Leistungsschutzrecht-Gelder eintreiben

Heise.de, hier.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The 2013 Marrakesh Treaty: Providing Access to Copyrighted Works for the Blind and Print Disabled

Program on Information Justice and the Public Interest, American University Law School, Public Forum, Video here

Institutional Advantage in Competition and Innovation Policy

H. Hovenkamp, here

Antitrust And Innovation: Rebalancing The Scale

J. Brill, here

Commissioner Wright (FTC) takes antitrust-minimalist position on standard-essential patents

Foss.patents.com, here

Net Neutrality Delayed, Net Neutrality Denied

M. Copps, here

Parliamentary questions in The Netherlands about copyright and the distribution of e-books

Futureofcopyright.com, here

European Research Council funds arXiv – a taste of changes to come

Blogs.nature.com, here

No competition minister in Australia's new Cabinet

J. Clarke, here

Touch ID: Datenschützer warnt vor Fingerscanner in iPhone

Spiegel.de, hier

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vertical Restraints for On-line Sales

OECD, Policy Roundtable, here

SSOs, FRAND, and Antitrust: Lessons from the Economics of Incomplete Contracts

J. Wright, here

The ‘miracle of Marrakesh’: negotiating the VIP Treaty for books for the blind

N. Suzor, here

EDRi’s “FAQs” on net neutrality: a rebuttal

R. Heath, here

Enforcement of the competition rules – next steps for reform

G. Barling, here

La grogne des taxis contre la concurrence des smartphones

Liberation.fr, ici

Telekom - Netz der Zukunft

Netzneutralitaet.cc, Video, ab 1:38, hier.

Commissioner Kroes misses historic opportunity to guarantee net neutrality

M. Schaake, here

Russia's Latest Idea: An Internet Whitelist For Copyright Materials

Techdirt.com, here

Facebook Privacy Change Is Subject of F.T.C. Inquiry

NYTimes.com, here

Benzinpreis-App im Bürokratiestau

Blog.zdf.de, hier

FRAND part of Posner ruling likely to be affirmed

Fosspatents.com, here

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Google rivals seek review of new concessions in E.U. antitrust case

Computerworld.com, here

Copyright and the Government: The ‘Missing’ Proviso in Section 105

R. Picker, here

Decision standards for price-based exclusionary strategies: The equally efficient competitor test in the light of Post-Danmark

F. Marty, Presentation, here

Kroes' Unacceptable Anti-Net Neutrality Law Rushed Despite Criticisms

LaQuadrature.net, here

Agreed Use and Fair Use: The Economic Effects of Fair Use and Other Copyright Exceptions

G. Barker, here.

Legal battle between Cisco and Multiven flares up with EU antitrust complaint

ITWorld.com, here

Fiscalité du numérique: le Gouvernement salue une "contribution utile" du CNNum

Numerama.com, ici. Avis ici

iPhones, fingerprints and privacy

P. Bernal, here. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Opposition to Coalition of E-Reader Manufacturers’ request to exempt e-readers from the accessibility requirement

Organizations representing the interests of people with disabilities, here

Privacy and Big Data - Making Ends Meet

J. Polonetsky, O. Tene, here

2013 OECD Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data

OECD, here

Leak: DG JUSTICE Analysis Of Kroes' Attack On Net Neutrality

Edri.org, here

CNMC: perfil político y técnico bajo para la nueva institución

Cincodias.com, aquì.

Kroes’s telecoms plan faces Commission hostility

EurActiv.com, here

Evaluating Graduated Response

R. Giblin, here

Bid-Rigging in Canada: Recent Developments

Kluwercompetitionlawblog.com, here

UK open-access route too costly, report says

Nature.com, here

Open Access

UK Parliament, Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, Volume I here, Volume II here

Some thoughts on the new anti-Google (Android) complaint

Chilling Competition, here

Status of the Proposed EU Data Protection Regulation: Where Do We Stand?

C. Burton, A. Pateraki, here

Broadcasters' court victories over FilmOn X threaten Aereo's expansion

TheVerge.com, here