Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to Prevent the ‘Do Not Track’ Arms Race

P. Swire, here

Canada: Privacy and Social Media in the Age of Big Data

Report of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, House of Commons, here

The MPAA, Disney and Blind People: Data Point for Campaign Finance Reform and the Weakness of Human Character

J. Love, here

ICN Unilateral Conduct Workbook: Exclusive Dealing

Chapter 5, here

ICN: Explaining the Benefits of Competition

Draft, here

ICN: Working with Courts and Judges Project

Summary of the responses collected, here. Executive Summary, here

Poste ha abusato della sua posizione dominante su esenzione IVA

Comunicato stampa qui, Provvedimento qui

The Empire Strikes Back: CISAC beats Commission in General Court

J. Quintais, here

Australia’s experience driving economic growth through competition policy reforms, here

E-Books: „Die Leute wollen keine Anreicherungen", hier.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Patentability and Scope of Protection for DNA Sequence

R. Milkov, here.

The European Commission Policy on Open Access: the Importance of Text and Data Mining

J.-F. Dechamp, here (Presentation)

Eight Business Model Archetypes for PSI Re-Use

E. Ferro, M. Osella, here

The Economics of Competition (Law)

J. Paha, here

Brussels Court of Appeal: embedding illegal YouTube content is no copyright breach, here

Finnish Sites Blacking Out Tomorrow In Support Of Copyright Petition, here

Google fined just $189,000 for 'one of the biggest' data protection violations in German history, here

Indian copyright organisation asks colleges to buy licence to photocopy book portions, here

EU Commission sends statement of objections to suspected participants in smart card chips cartel

Press Release, here

A closer look at the new PSI Directive

Open Knowledge Foundation Blog, here

WIPO Members Send Draft Treaty For The Blind To Marrakesh, here

Federal judge has set FRAND rate for Microsoft's license to Google's standard-essential patents, here

Diritti audiovisivi sportivi: segnalazione al Parlamento, qui

Patent Trolls and ‘Royalties’: Distracting From the Real Issue Which is Software Patents, here

Final text before Marrakesh, WIPO treaty for the blind, here

Protecting brands on the Internet. A look at approaches taken by the EU, US and Italy, here

It’s time to update online privacy, here

On copyright and rights of persons with disabilities: WIPO treaty for the blind

T. Sinodinou, here

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deutscher Bundestag über Softwarepatente, hier

Revendre des fichiers musicaux de “seconde main” par l’entremise de ReDigi: licite ou pas?

A. Strowel, ici.

What Role Should Antitrust Play in Regulating the Activities of Patent Assertion Entities?

J. Wright, here

YouTube Again Beats Viacom's Massive Copyright Infringement Lawsuit, here

FTC Chair Stuns Advertisers regarding Do Not Track, here

Bruno Lasserre on Competition Policy Attitudes in France

My quick take on the very interesting speech given today in Trento by the Chairman of the French Competition Authority.
-         Sort of schizophrenia between consumers (pro) and citizens (more skeptical) towards competition policy.
-         The glorious days of competition policy in France go back to at least 1791, when guilds (corporations) were suppressed by initiative of the revolutionaries.
-         Before WWII, the attitude in France was generally very positive, at a time in which, by contrast, Germany was much more in favor of cartelizing the economy.
-          After WWII: public intervention into the economy much welcomed by French citizens, competition policy experienced mostly as an external imposition.
-          Leftist reason to support competition during last political election: fight against privilege by birth; “equality of chances” (égalité) still very popular.
-         Governments in general less procompetition than members of Parliament because of economic pressures by big players.
-         French civil servants not believing in competition: 77%; French judges: even more (figure not disclosed).
-          Going aheaddramatically important in order to convince citizens of the benefits of competition policy: private/class actions!
-         Draft bill on class actions in France: too narrow.
- Average loss per mobile phone user due to 2005 telecoms’ cartel: 70 Euro per year (cartel’s duration: 2 ½ y.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A New Test for Anticompetitive Litigation

L. Salgado, R. Pinho de Morais, here

Mozilla Will Debut Firefox Mobile OS in Five Countries in June, here

CJEU on the Unitary Patent (Enhanced Cooperation)

Joined Cases C‑274/11 and C‑295/11, here

International Cooperation in Competition Policy

P. Collins, here

The Novartis Decision: A Tale Of Developing Countries, IP, And The Role Of The Judiciary, here

Canadian universities square off against copyright group, here

Speech Engines

J. Grimmelmann, here

Exploring the Economics of Personal Data: A Survey of Methodologies for Measuring Monetary Value

OECD, here

Analysis of ‘Open Data’ survey commissioned to support the Shakespeare Review into Public Sector Information, here

What’s Your Agenda?

J. Wright, here

The Oligopoly Problem

T. Wu, here

Google and the European Commission: A flavour of utility, here

Faculty members on software to detect student plagiarism, here

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Copyright and Competition Policy

A. Katz, here

Ebooks made up 23 percent of US publisher sales in 2012, says the AAP, here

Antitrust complaint against Android is an attack on open source

ArsTechnica, here

Competition Issues in Broadcasting and Internet Content - Navigating the Unknown and the Unknowable

A. Fels, here

Imagine: Pro-poor(er) Competition Law

E. Fox, here

English High Court Dismisses Interim Injunction In Abuse Of Dominance Case Concerning Refusal To Supply In HIV Prescription Medicines Market

Van Bael Bellis, here

EBay Opens Up Its Data for Ad Targeting, here

Kabinett verabschiedet Gesetzesentwurf zur Nutzung verwaister und vergriffener Werke (und zum Zweitverwertungsrecht für Wissenschaftler), hier.

Apple wins invalidation of 3G 'standard-essential' Samsung patent in Germany, here

USPTO roundtables on software-related patents: materials available

Recordings and presentations here.

Antitrust regulators ponder patent trolls—but they need to act

M. Carrier, here

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

India’s Patently Wise Decision

J. Stiglitz, A. Jayadev, here

40 Years of Music Industry Change, In 40 Seconds or Less..., here

Can you find me now? How carriers sell your location and get away with it, here

Voyage au cœur des smartphones et des applications mobiles avec la CNIL et Inria, ici

E-Books to be available in UK libraries under Public Lending Right, here

A Developmental Approach to the Patent-Antitrust Interface

T. Cheng, here

My thoughts on Mendeley/Elsevier & why I left to start PeerJ, here.

Abuse Of IP Rights Under China's Antitrust Rules: Recent Cases Have A Potentially Serious Impact

McDermott Will & Emery, here