American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law 60th Spring Meeting, the Antitrust source,here.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
AG Jääskinen on search engines and lack of responsibility for personal data appearing on web pages they process
Case C-131/12, Google Spain SL, Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, here.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Rechtsstreit um exklusiven Zugriff von Juris auf Urteile des BVerfG geht weiter
Institut für Urheber- und Medienrecht, hier.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Measuring Patent Quality: Indicators of Technological and Economic Value
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2013/03, here.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Diritto d'autore e biblioteche in chiave evolutiva
S. Vezzoso (autrice del blog), presentazione qui.
Friday, June 07, 2013
Draft legislation on copyright exceptions in the UK, here.
Drafts for the other exceptions will be released as soon as they are ready.
Drafts for the other exceptions will be released as soon as they are ready.
Télévision payante: trois offres de référence de Groupe Canal Plus approuvées
Autorité de la concurrence, ici.
Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and Resilient Internet
Council of Foreign Relations, here (pdf file).
Thursday, June 06, 2013
CJEU on action for damages and access to the file
Case C‑536/11, Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde v Donau Chemie AG et al., here.
Patent Assertion Entities and Antitrust: Operating Company Patent Transfers
M. Popofsky and M. Laufert, here.
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Brief of Digital Humanities and Law Scholars as Amici Curiae in Authors Guild v. Hathitrust
M. Jockers, M. Sag, J. Schultz, here.
Towards Empirical Analysis Of Open Government Data Initiatives
B. Ubaldi, OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, here.
Kommunale Monopole sind gute Monopole, die keinerlei Aufsicht bedürfen
J. Haucap (, hier.
Pfizer's slams India's patent regime, says Indian standards are vague and malleable, here.
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Protecting innovators from frivolous litigation and ensuring the highest-quality patents
White House Task Force On High-Tech Patent Issues, here.
Monday, June 03, 2013
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With Wolfgang Kerber, here .
Order, here .
TechPolicy, here .
BEUC, here . And Trump's response :), here .
CJEU, here . My old piece on this case, here .
FT, here .
R. Berjon, here .
[2013] EWHC 69 (Ch), Justice Arnold, here . You can read my brief paper here for some background information.
L. Helfer, Presentation here.