Thursday, February 11, 2016

Digital Platforms: To Regulate or Not To Regulate?

A. Strowel, W. Vergote, here.

Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market: Uber supplementary evidence

Uber, here.

Apple in ACCC's sights over bricked iPhones

ITNews, here.

Thinking Inside the Box, here.

Who Will Own The Virtual Reality Interface?

TechCrunch, here

“Happy Birthday” is public domain, former owner Warner/Chapell to pay $14M

ArsTechnica, here.

The Case That Won’t Be Forgotten

J. Powles, here

Optimising romance

TheEconomist, here

Online review sites commit to improve practices

CMA, here.

La impugnación de normas como instrumento para eliminar barreras a la economía colaborativa

CNMC, aquí

The Research Pirates of the Dark Web

The Atlantic, here.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Developments in the Prescription Drug Market: Oversight.

M. Merritt, here

Living fully human lives online is all about taking control, here

AI is Trasforming Google Search, here

Google removes Samsung's first Android ad blocker from the Play Store

TheVerge, here

Using Antitrust Law to Challenge Turing's Daraprim Price Increase

M. Carrier, N. Levidow, A. Kesselheim, here

Drug Firms Expected to Defend Huge Price Increases in House Testimony

NYTimes, here

Cisco To Buy Jasper Technologies For $1.4 Billion

TechCrunch, here

How Age UK pocketed £6m bung from E.ON and pushed expensive power deals to OAPs

TheSun, here

Fertility Industry Group Settles Lawsuit Over Egg Donor Price Caps

Blogs.wsj, here

Privacy in the EU and US: A Debate between Max Schrems and Peter Swire

Audio here

Apple Ordered To Pay $625M To Patent Troll In FaceTime Lawsuit

TechCrunch, here

UK challenger bank Mondo releases API to let customers play with their own data

Finextra, here

Power to the people – is privacy the future of online marketing?

moreaboutadvertising, here.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

“EU US Privacy Shield” (Safe Harbor 1.1) “European Commission may be issuing a round-trip to Luxemburg

M. Schrems, here

EU Commission and United States agree on new framework for transatlantic data flows: EU-US Privacy Shield

Press Release, here.

Here It Comes: The Myanmar Competition Act

Allenovery, here

Competition and innovation

A. Crisholm, here

Gorgeous New 4-D Printing Process Makes More Than Just Eye Candy, here

“Of data and men”: fundamental rights and freedoms in a world of big data

A. Rouvroy, here

Investigation into Tesco

Groceries Code Adjudicator, here

Don’t Panic. Making Progress on the “Going Dark” Debate

Berkman Center for Internet & Society, here.
Keys under doormats Report here

People are turning their smartphones into spying devices for just $5/month, here

Winners & Losers in the Global App Economy

Caribou Digital, here

Every Step You Fake: A Comparative Analysis of Fitness Tracker Privacy and Security

Open Effect, here

Monitoring the Digital Economy & Society 2016 - 2020

EC, here

Alphabet: Suchmaschine treibt das Geschäft, hier

Google Search Probe by U.S. Should Get New Look, Utah Says

Bloomberg, here

The Internet of Emotions: Putting the person back into personalization

Mashable, here

Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution, here

HRS kritisiert fehlende Gleichberechtigung

Tophotel, hier.

Lists are the new search

B. Evans, here.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

EDPS starts work on a New Digital Ethics

EDPS, here.

A Search Engine for Your Personal Memories (and Data)

TheAtlantic, here.

12 Big Industries Where Blockchain Could Be Used

CB Insights, here.

The Promise (and Threat) of Algorithmic Accountability

F. Pasquale, Video here

The Future of Legal Services

The Law Society, here

US health insurer Centene loses 950,000 people's records, here

Movidius chips promise to enable real-time image recognition in Android devices

ComputerWorld, here.

The Internet of Arrogant Things (or My First Month with a Nest), here

Behavioral Economics: Past, Present and Future

R. Thaler, Webcast here

Why do technology companies hire economists, and what is their contribution? What kinds of problems do they work on?

S. Athey, here

What will be the impact of machine learning on economics?

S. Athey, here.
NBER session's syllabus here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Automation Paradox

J. Bessen, here

Uber condamné à verser 1,2 million d’euros à l’Union nationale des taxis, ici

"Online Platforms" Etc. Public Consultation: First Brief Results

EC, here

« Pretty Easy Privacy », le chiffrement automatique par défaut pour tous

LeMonde, ici

The Privatization of Human Rights: Illusions of Consent, Automation and Neutrality

E. Taylor, here.

EC fines car parts producers € 137 789 000 in cartel settlement

Press Release, here

Apple Can Still See Your iMessages If You Enable iCloud

MotherBoard, here

Facebook looks to its messaging service Whatsapp to gather more personal data

TheDrum, here.

See also Fortune, here

Ad blocking is more about personal data than on-target ads, here

Google y derecho al olvido: bloqueo por dirección IP

ElFuturo, aquì

International Survey on Private Copying

WIPO and Stichting de Thuiskopie, here

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fair Share - Reclaiming power in the sharing economy

The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), here.