Tuesday, January 26, 2016

La CNMC recurre las Ordenanzas del taxi de las ciudades de Málaga y Córdoba

CNMC, aquì.

Google’s Waze launches API for third-party transportation apps (invite-only, free)

VentureBeat, here

A European survey on the opportunities and risks of data analytics

Vodafone, here.

The Teladoc Case: Antitrust and Telemedicine as "Disruptive Innovation"

Lexology, here.

Le contrôle juridictionnel du Tribunal de l'Union dans le contentieux concurrence,

Concurrences, ici.

End-User Development in Internet of Things: We the People

M. Burnett, T. Kulesza, here.

Datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte bei der Nutzung vernetzter und nicht vernetzter Kraftfahrzeuge

Konferenz der unabhängigen Datenschutzbehörden und Verband der Automobilindustrie, hier.

Two-Way Street: U.S.-EU Parallels Under the General Data Protection Regulation

J. Brill, here.

Nothing for money

Deloitte, here.

The importance of Misbehaving

Deloitte, here.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Big data : l’enjeu est moins la donnée personnelle que la disparition de la personne

LeMonde, ici.

Online Tracking: What's In It For Consumers?

J. Brill, here.

What is the impact of blockchains on privacy?

TheODI.org, here.

European Patent Office revokes Monsanto patent on melons

No-patents-on-seeds.org, here.

The Collaborative Economy

Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA), European Parliamentary Research Services, here and here and short video here.

An Emerging Competition Law for a New Economy?

K. Coates, here.

How blockchain tech could change the way we do business

BBC.com, here.

Android OS has generated revenue of $31 billion and $22 billion in profit, Oracle says

Bloomberg, here.

Economics and Ideology

The Economist, here.
"Meaningless number-crunching to give a veneer of academic credibility to near-useless theories".

One Click Away? Google Paid Apple $1 Billion to Keep Search Bar on IPhone

Bloomberg.com, here.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Digital DNA: The Nagoya Protocol, Intellectual Property Treaties, and Synthetic Biology

M. Bagley, here

Study hints at how e-Privacy Directive might be reformed – major changes on the way

Out-law.com, here.

Study mentioned here.

Sharing Economy, Blockchain Markets & Crowd-Based Capitalism

A. Sundararajan, Video here

Digitale Wirtschaft und Privatsphäre: Der Preis der Personalisierung

N. Jentzsch, hier

The FCO prohibits booking.com’s “narrow” best-price clause

S. Heinz, here

The fourth industrial revolution: what does WEF’s Klaus Schwab leave out?

A. Maynard, here

Apple Presses Supreme Court for Appeal Over eBooks Price Fixing

Fortune.com, here

The Final GDPR Text and What It Will Mean for Health Data

Hogan Lovells, here

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blockchain Technology: Principles and Applications

M. Pilkington, here.

Disrupting the Disruptors

Nesta, here.

Emerging Competition Issues: Keeping Pace in a Changing World

CA Competition Bureau, here.

Towards a Digital Single Market Act

EP, here.

How I peeked at the personal data a billion dollar company holds about me

P.-O. Dehaye, here.

As More Pay by Smartphone, Banks Scramble to Keep Up

NYTimes, here

Digital transformations: An introduction

F.-X. Olleros, M. Zhegu, here

WhatsApp as a business channel

Whatsapp.com, here

Competition Law for a Post-Scarcity World

S. Mehla, here.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Privacy and Drone Spying

NYTimes, here

Welcome to the Jungle: The Liability of Internet Intermediaries for Privacy Violations in Europe

B. van der Sloot, here

Information as Property

H. Zech, here

The law and economics of most-favoured nation clauses

F.Gonzalez-Diaz, M. Bennett, here

Which Future for Competition in the Global Trade System: Competition Chapters in FTAs

V. Demedts, here

Drug Wars:A New Generation of Generic Pharmaceutical Delay

R. Feldman, E. Frondorf, here

Antitrust Overhaul

R. Steiner, here

Competition Policy in a World of Big Data

S. Vezzoso, here (this blog's author).

Your comments are more than welcome!

Competition in a big data world

M. Vestager, here

Ad Blocking: A Primer

TechCrunch, here

Tarifs bancaires : Bercy va lancer un comparateur sur Internet

LeParisien, ici

A Note on the Ethics of Nudge

C. Schubert, here

Building the intention economy

ctrlio, here

European Antitrust Chief Takes Swipe at Privacy Issue

NYTimes, here.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Unilever CMO predicts that consumers will be using some sort of virtual assistant in the near future

Adage.com, here.

Stop Chug-a-Lug-a-Lugin 5 Miles an Hour on Your International Harvester: How Modern Economics Brings the FTC's Unfairness Analysis Up to Speed with Digital Platforms

J. Wright, J. Yun, here.

Capitalism’s Biggest Enemies: Elites Who Advocate Free-Market Competition

L. Lessig, here.

UK Government Response to EU public consultation on Digital Platforms

HMGovernment, here.

Un chauffeur de taxi peut aussi être sur Uber. L'article de loi l'interdisant censuré

Conseil constitutionnel, Décision n° 2015-516 QPC du 15 janvier 2016, ici

The Rise of the Platform Enterprise: A Global Survey

P. Evans, A. Gawer, here

IT giants debate on Big Data

Vodafone-institut.de, Video here

Some Reflections on ‘Switching Principles’ for key regulated sectors

The Centre for Competition Policy (CCP), here.  

Open Letter on Ethical Norms in Intellectual Property Scholarship

R. Feldman, M. Lemley, J. Masur, A. Rai, here

Fair Share: Reclaiming power in the sharing economy

B. Balaram, here

The economic impact of enforcement of competition policies on the functioning of EU energy markets

EC, here

Preisvergleichs- und Bewertungsportale als Verbraucherinformation

Deutsche Bundesregierung, hier

Do Consumers Care About Their Privacy In Practice? The FTC Digs Into The Debate

Adexchanger, here

Digital dividends

World Bank, here

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Recommendation on protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression and the right to private life with regard to network neutrality

Council of Europe, here

Innovation de rupture, droit et concurrence

Microeconomix, Conférence vendredi 29 janvier 2016, ici

Shops could soon be targeting ads according to your feet

TheGuardian, here

America's top privacy regulator refuses to wear a Fitbit

Theguardian.com, here

How Hotels.com uses email to keep me as a loyal customer

Econsultancy, here.

"So what is it about the Hotels.com offers and vouchers that get me? They feel relevant. They feel timely. They’re just the right amount of pushy". Email are "personalised, and relevant to trips I have browsed and taken in the past".

Market Study Into the Supply of Legal Services in England and Wales

CMA, here

Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel verringern die Produktvielfalt

E. Argentesi, P. Buccirossi, R. Cervone, T. Duso, A. Marrazzo, hier