Thursday, January 07, 2016

VG Media reicht weitere Klage gegen Google ein, hier

Insurance companies prepare to insure Uber drivers

OttawaCitizen, here

Auto Distribution: Current Issues and Future Trends

FTC, here

Law & Order 2045: Here are 3 legal cases from the future

FusionNet, here.

3 Products That Turn Your Fitness Data Into Training Tips, here.

Recht auf Nutzung der persönlichen Daten. Recht auf Kopie

Postulat (vom CH Bundesrat angenommen), hier

Misleading patent office as abuse of dominant position (Israel)

Internationallawoffice, here or here

OLG Frankfurt: Einsatz von Cookies für Werbezwecke erfordert kein Opt-in, hier

Google is Microsoft, after all, here

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

San Francisco’s largest taxi company is edging toward filing for bankruptcy

SFExaminer, here.

Big Data: A Tool for Inclusion or Exclusion? Understanding the Issues

FTC, here.
Read also the Separate Statement of Commissioner Ohlhausen, here

Supermarkt-Fusionen schaden der Produktvielfalt

Handelsblatt, hier.

Studie hier

Forbes, ad blocking, and the promise of an "ad-light experience"

Forbes, here

Artificial Intelligence: What Will the Next 20 Years Bring?

B. Hodjat, here

What We Can Do with Ad Blocking's Leverage

LinuxJournal, here

MLB Faces Antitrust Trial Over Telecasts: Are Small-Market Clubs Doomed By Cord-Cutters?

HollywoodReporter, here

vzbv mahnt Datenschutzerklärung von Google erneut ab, hier.

Friday, December 18, 2015

What Will It Take to Build a Virtuous AI?

TechnologyReview, here

Drawing Causal Inference from Big Data

Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia, Videos here

Smarte Neue Welt


Online privacy tools for the general public

ENISA, here

Competition law at the crossroads in the Digital Economy: is it all about Google?

G. Surblytė, here.

Avis de l'Autorité de la concurrence sur le projet de loi pour une République Numérique


Tesla hacked off by lone hacker’s claims that he made a self-driving car, here

Projet de loi République numérique : publication de l’avis de la CNIL

CNIL, ici.
Voir aussi l'avis du Conseil National du Numérique, ici.
Présentation du projet de loi à l'Assemblée Nationale, Vidéo ici.
Voir aussi le point de vue de Bruno Lasserre au sujet de la loyauté des plateformes (platform fairness) (juillet 2015) ici (depuis 25:21).

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The UK Supreme Court makes clear its belief that competition law should be interpreted in terms of its economic substance

P. Davis, here.

EU Data-Privacy Law Raises Daunting Prospects for U.S. Companies

WSJ, here.

The next opportunity for app developers: Turning anonymous data into ad sales

VentureBeat, here

Purchase details leaked to PayPal

S. Preibusch, T. Peetz, G. Acar, B. Berendt, here

Computer learns like a human and (sort of) beat the Turing Test, here

3D Printing: Looking Through the Hype

Deloitte, here

Why Ebooks Will Eventually Replace Print

Bookbusinessmag, here

Compensation and the Damages Directive

S. Peyer, here

Einsatz von Uber Black wettbewerbswidrig

Kammergericht, Urteil vom 11. Dezember 2015 - 5 U 31/15, hier.

Mobile Identity – The Fusion of Financial Services, Mobility and Identity

Telstra, here

Patterns of disruption

Deloitte, here

BBC Uses Artificial Intelligence to Track Down New Audiences for ‘Sherlock’, here

Online platforms and data protection

EDPS, here.

"Despite the essential role cloud services play for the deployment of online services, EU consumers still do not seem to fully trust cloud-based services...As a result, finding privacy-friendly solutions for cloud computing services represents one of the main challenges for online platforms... Boosting research and marketing of solutions increasing transparency and user's control over their data (such as “personal data management systems”) is essential to offer a higher level of protection and thus increasing users' trust.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mergers in the Dutch grocery sector: an ex-post evaluation

Lear for the ACM, here

Agreement on Commission's EU data protection reform will boost Digital Single Market

EC, Press Release, here

Personal Data Management Systems

R. Oostrum, here

Auto Distribution: Current Issues and Future Trends

FTC, here

Internet of Things: Another Industry Patent War?

K. Ho, here

Einheitliche Glühweinpreise: Kartellamt ermittelt, hier

Web Privacy Census 2015

I. Altaweel, N. Good, and C. Hoofnagle, here

Software-Enabled Consumer Products Study: Notice and Request for Public Comment

U.S. Copyright Office, here

Competition Tribunal Gives Go Ahead for Price Maintenance Claim Against Music Industry Giants

M. Geist, here

Is Privacy The Future of Online Marketing?

 S. Milyaeva and D. Neyland, here

Your Algorithmic Self Meets Super-Intelligent AI

TechCrunch, here

Web Scraping: Applications and Tools

EPSI, here

The European hospitality industry launches a campaign: ‘Book Direct’, here